
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Clowning Around

I still may not know the full premise of the movie, but I know that the picture of a single balloon tied to the grating of a street drain is taking social media by storm. Well, that and It is about clowns. The stunt was cheap but effective at establishing an iconic image for It. Isn't that the key to a horror movie? Giving just enough information to the viewers to make their imaginations run wild. 
After the clown scares last year, some people are saying It is going a bit too far, but killer clowns seem to be the trending topic of the season. American Horror Story has also taken creative liberties, incorporating coulrophobia into its latest season. 
I wonder what will come next.


  1. I love how short and sweet this blog post is but it really got me thinking. I feel like movie and tv show trailers and posters are turning away from over the top and complex advertising, to short and sweet. This ultimately hooks the viewer and makes us curious what the plot or theme is about. I have never seen American Horror Story but I know exactly what you are talking about when you discuss the balloon tied to the storm drain. It is an iconic image now that is now forever associated with the show. Maybe now I will tune in!

  2. I agree with Helen's post above! The simplicity of movie advertising definitely provides a sense of wonder, even knowing what that wonder may lead to. I think a movie like It requires an element of that; seeing as it is based on a Stephen King book, it only makes sense that suspense and curiosity should also be woven into the marketing campaign of such a movie. It is also true that there seems to be increased popularity in shows & movies that have elements of suspense/horror (Get Out, Mother!, Walking Dead). I wonder if there is any research that analyzes social trends in relation to the preference for shows like those.

  3. I think with horror movies, the point is to scare people into believing that the movie plot could actually happen. Horror movies are growing to be more and more realistic in so many ways. This drawing on the public attention of crazy clowns in every day life is just another reason why a remake was done. The movie scene is capitalizing on real life terrors.

  4. This is a great point about how such a simple stunt can create such attention for a horror movie! Also, I do not watch American Horror Story, but I did hear that this season has incorporated clowns. I found that interesting because the season is “Cult” themed and centered around the election year. It seems like they may just be tacking on to the extremely popular coulrophobia that seems to be trendy right now. I guess that is a good method to obtain more viewers who thrive off this genre of horror! Great post!

  5. I don't think that it is a coincidence that this film was made a year after the clown scare. Timing is everything when it comes to entertainment, and this was the most opportune time for producers to create this film. I believe that utilizing what was going on in the real world was great for producers of this film to save costs on advertisements. The simplicity of the trailers definitely kept audiences and fans guessing what will be in the movie. If you haven't seen the movie you definitely should! I had no idea what it was about and was very please with what I saw.


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